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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

The big news recently has been the birth of a son to Prince William and Kate Middleton. Like most new parents, they most likely let out a sigh of relief when baby George Alexander Louis popped out with 10 fingers, 10 toes and a healthy cry. By George, he’s “normal”! But as many parents know, […]

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I have been vacationing the past week and blissfully away from the Internet for most of the time. But before I left I’d made note of an article about Amy Friedman, a journalist who fell in love with an inmate — a murderer and former drug dealer — and who recently wrote a memoir about […]

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The Supreme Court is expected to rule on two landmark cases impacting same-sex couples this week and their ability to marry (I am loathe to call it same-sex marriage or gay marriage because it’s just marriage, no different than anyone else’s marriage; the people in it just happen to be of the same sex). So […]

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Two amazing things happened this weekend — I took part in the Women’s PowerStrategy Conference and it was my dad’s funeral. While those two events are seemingly disparate (while I celebrated my father’s life, I am still mourning my loss), I realized that something joyous happened at both events; a recognition that the stories we […]

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A few months ago, I asked, does getting married make you an adult? It’s a question that came up when my The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Cynics, Commitaphobes and Connubial DIYers coauthor, Susan Pease Gadoua, and I met with two soon-to-be-married couples separately as we gathered research for our book.  “Marriage is just […]

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I was at a party, the kind where bosoms, booze and mouths overflowed. There wasn’t much happening with my bosom, but my then-husband’s mouth was going for it. “You know,” he said to my dearest friend, “I like being married but living like I’m single.” When she shared that with me the next day we […]

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Why are so many people unhappy in their relationship? That’s a hard question to answer, although that doesn’t stop people from trying to figure it out. According to Dana Adam Shapiro’s research for his book You Can Be Right (or You Can Be Married), very few married people are happy — he says about 17 […]

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Gwyneth Paltrow — the most beautiful woman in the world, according to People — confessed to what Ben Affleck admitted a few months ago — marriage is hard and it takes work. “It’s hard being married. You go through great times, you go through terrible times. We’re the same as any couple,” Paltrow said of […]

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Like many others, I applauded Jason Collins’ brave decision to come out as gay. I can’t imagine what it would be like to hide my true identity for 12 years, as the the NBA veteran did. As broad-minded and accepting as many of us have become, many are still not as accepting of LGBT people […]

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There’s an image we have about marriage, about “two becoming one.” Anyone who’s been married for length of time realizes that’s a bit of a lie. We’re still people with our own needs. In fact, many believe what we experience is a “his” and a “her” marriage. Some 50 years ago, sociologist Jessie Bernard noted […]

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