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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

I’m sure I was as surprised as anyone else to read that Norway is promoting date nights for couples as a way to stop the country’s 40 percent divorce rate. Solveig Horne, Norway’s new minister for children, equality and social inclusion and a divorcee herself, says, “It is important to find small pockets of time where […]

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I decided to “like” Psychology Today’s page on Facebook today, and while scrolling through the stories highlighted, I was intrigued by the teaser, “While it takes two to couple up, it takes only one to make things a whole lot better.” OK, sold, so I clicked on the link that lead to an article highlighting […]

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A Monday morning amusement, courtesy of  www.datingwebsites.org. (who knew there was an online site for Trekkies, mullet lovers — shudder! — and Harry Potter fans?). I’ll have a blog post up tomorrow. Enjoy!  

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The Good Men Project recently pondered, what’s a man without money? That’s a good question.  I’ve never been one to focus on money — my own or someone else’s — or see it as a path to happiness. Now that I’m at midlife, however, and helping to get two kids through college, hoping to retire […]

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I had to create security questions for online banking this week — no biggie, right? — but as I scrolled through my choices, I was somewhat taken aback. Three of the seven questions I could choose from assumed I was married, wanting to know where I went on my honeymoon, what my spouse’s middle name […]

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A few years ago, a friend pooh-poohed the idea of open relationships. “They only work until someone better comes along, and then the new partners decide to be exclusive,” my friend said. It was an interesting commentary from someone who had been unfaithful and eventually left the marriage (granted, it was an unhappy marriage to […]

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I have been furiously working on Susan Pease Gadoua’s and my book, The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Cynics, Commitaphobes and Connubial DIYers, the past few months, and during the midst of it was an article about wedleases. Wedleases? Never heard of it — have you? Probably not, because the word didn’t exist before […]

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I had the pleasure of interviewing local chef and author Toni Piccinini about her book, The Goodbye Year: Wisdom and Culinary Therapy to Survive Your Child’s Senior Year of High School and Reclaim the You of You). OK, it’s a long title, but as we sat at Book Passage, chatting about the take-away messages of […]

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The Simon Cowell-Lauren Silverman saga sure is an interesting one: a 36-year-old married mom gets knocked up by her 53-year-old never-married multimillionaire lover who has stated quite publicly that marriage is boring, that he doesn’t know if he can be faithful, and that he’s interested in women who are drama queens:   “I’m attracted to crazy […]

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Remember when you and your sweetie were dating? Besides being unable to take your hands off each other and thinking about each other constantly, you most likely were engaged in a mutual admiration society — he’d tell you how beautiful you looked in that dress, she’d tell him that she loves the way his eyes […]

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