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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

The media is still trying to figure out the recent splits between rockers Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale after 13 years, and country singers Blake Shelton and Miranda Lampert after four years when it was revealed that The Voice co-hosts Gwen and Blake were an item. According to Gwen, “There’s been loads of people that […]

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Halloween is over, which means it’s a rapid slide into the holidays — Thanksgiving to Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa leading into New Year’s. Instead of considering the last two months of the year the most wonderful time of the year, many people consider it the most stressful time of the year. Especially women.  It starts with Thanksgiving, our […]

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Marriage is hard work but worth it. If you end up divorced, it means you didn’t try hard enough, you don’t know what commitment means and you’re putting you own happiness before your family’s — or all of the above — and that’s why you have a failed marriage. What divorced person hasn’t heard that […]

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I have been thinking about security lately, not in an Ashley Madison hack kind of way, but the way we seek security in romantic relations and what we gain — and give up — to have it. It was spurred by watching Vicky Cristina Barcelona again, the 2008 Woody Allen movie that explores the very […]

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I had been thinking about heartbreak. It wasn’t that I was experiencing any at that particular time, but like every who has lived a few decades, I’ve had my share of it. And I wondered — did my experience with the often excruciatingly painful reality of heartbreak influence how I moved forward in love and […]

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A month or so ago, I offered to work with a newlywed couple to create a marital plan. I got a polite, thanks but we’re just too busy and [new husband] isn’t too interested anyway. My The New I Do co-author Susan posited a similar question her friend about to marry. “Oh, we’re good,” the […]

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I was talking to a GenX journalist friend, in the midst of a divorce, about marriage, divorce, etc., and we acknowledged that, unlike Boomers and Millennials, GenX men can be a bit confused about the massive change in gender roles and what women are looking for in a partner. As we continued our free-rambling conversation, […]

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I have written a few controversial posts in the few years that I’ve been blogging here, but perhaps none upset as many people as the tongue-in-check post I wrote for the Huffington Post in the wake of Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandal (the first time, not the second, oy). Everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Jezebel to […]

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If you’re as selfie-obsessed as so many others seem to be, you might be aware of Chris and Shannon Neuman, the Canadian couple whose smiling selfie outside the court house, where they were about to end their 11-year marriage, went viral. I usually don’t pay too much attention to selfie news, and so I ignored […]

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“A place to live is also a way to live.”   From the buzz around Kate Bolick’s book Spinster: Making a Life of One’s Own to the unfortunate language Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy used in writing the opinion legalizing same-sex marriage, of the unmarried being “condemned to live in loneliness,” the state of singles […]

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