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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

You’re in a long-term happy, sexually active marriage and one day you discover that your spouse has been cheating on you — basically since Day 1. How do you feel?  You’d probably feel heart-broken and devastated, which is how a man writing to author, LGBTQ activist and columnist Dan Savage signed off as in his latest […]

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Fans far and wide reacted to Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert’s announcement last week that she and her companion of 12 years and husband of 9 years, Jose Nunes (aka Felipe in her best-selling book), are separating. It’s never an easy decision, even for a woman who so publicly wrote about the demise of […]

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According to New York magazine, women are cheating as men as men. The article cites some studies indicating that in the past two decades, the percentage of hubbys admitting to cheating hasn’t changed, but the percentage of wives fessing up rose almost 40 percent.  Call me cynical, but why is this news to anyone? For […]

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Years ago, I was a cliche — I was the Other Woman. I was in my 20s and working with someone whom I liked as a coworker and whom I found attractive. I don’t recall how the conversation started, but somehow he convinced me that he and his wife were only staying together until their […]

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When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that same-sex couples could marry no matter which state they lived in, many believed it would open the door to polyamorous marriage — marriage among three or more people. “I don’t think it’s going to be as far in the future as people think,” a confident Robyn […]

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This week, there were two stories that addressed the “happily-ever-after” version of marriage many of us expect, or at least want to believe. Actress Drew Barrymore and her third husband, art consultant Will Kopelman, are divorcing after two children and three years of marriage. At the same time, a Maine couple were being honored for […]

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Perhaps you remember the memorable words spoken by then-President Bill Clinton: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” “That woman” was White House intern Monica Lewinsky, with whom Clinton later acknowledged having an “improper physical relationship.” At the time, there was discussion over what an “improper physical relationship” actually meant (as well as […]

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Anyone who has read this blog for a bit knows I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day, and I’m certainly not alone in that. Yet, here I am, finding myself writing about V-Day for the third year in a row. Well, so much for ignoring the holiday! I do, actually, ignore the holiday in my […]

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When I married for the first time in the ’70s, I was still young, not even 21, and admittedly clueless about what I was getting myself into. He was cute, I was cute, we loved each other, we had two dogs, a cat and a snake, and we were happy hippies living (barely, on my […]

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Nothing will make you think more about what marriage is about than a divorce. But there’s divorce and then there’s divorce. When I divorced in my 20s and we had nothing — no property, no savings, no kids — it was emotionally challenging, true, but that’s about it. If someone presented me a way to […]

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