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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

Should women make men wait to have sex? There’s been a flurry of discussion lately about that lately, first with the release of a video “The Economics of Sex” by the Austin Institute, a new academic initiative that conducts research on family, marriage and relationships (you can watch it below).  I am quite leary about […]

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The death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman recently was shocking and sad. The news that he was evidently involved with another woman before his sudden death from a heroin overdose was just as sad, but perhaps not shocking. He leaves behind three kids he had with his long-time girlfriend Mimi O’Donnell, who may or may not […]

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A neighbor and I were chatting recently and as we told each other what was in store for the day, she mentioned she was heading to the farmers market. “Nothing better than some fresh veggies,” I said. “That, and oogling the hot farmers,” she said, without missing a beat and with a big grin. I’ve […]

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I recently saw the movie “Her,” and while it isn’t the best movie I’ve ever seen, it is pretty much at the top when it comes to raising fascinating questions: what it means to be human, what we mean when we talk about love and intimacy, what sex is, and yes, how we can be […]

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You have a friend who is having an affair or is thinking about having one. What do you say? If you’re a woman, you just might encourage her. At least that’s the result of a recent study I stumbled upon. OK, granted — it’s a Ph.D dissertation and not published in a peer-reviewed journal. And, its […]

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Christmas is upon us and while I know not everyone celebrates, all of us can take part in the spirit of the season. So, I’d like to give anyone who stumbles upon this site a gift. But before I get to that, here’s the back story. I love my job for many reasons, but perhaps […]

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Despite societal myths about older women no longer mattering sexually, I have never met a midlife mom post-divorce who didn’t want to be appreciated and embraced as a sexual being. That’s not to say that there weren’t some women who were perfectly content to surrender their sexual identity to focus on raising their children or […]

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Oh, love! My co-author Susan Pease Gadoua’s article in Psychology Today, “Three reasons why you shouldn’t marry for love,” has hit a nerve. It had more than 111,000 hits in a week, and we have had dozens and dozens of emails from people in response, many who agree. What does that say about love and […]

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I’ve been busy interviewing couples for The New I Do recently who experimented with opening their marriage (these have been fun interviews!), and was struck by what one woman told me. Monogamy can be dangerous, she says, because if you’re unable to express your sexuality, express being attracted to other people and be able to […]

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Honesty is essential in a relationship. But just how honest should you be? That question is at the center of a rather curious legal suit that made the news last week. A Chinese man divorced his wife for giving birth to what he considers an ugly baby girl, sued her and — astonishingly — won! Believing […]

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