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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

You love your life, you love your spouse and you’re thinking about adding a baby into the mix because you love the idea of having a child with your beloved. No problem, right? Right … depending on your gender, something Rebecca Onion addresses so beautifully in her Slate article: I’m willing to allow that being […]

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The past week has brought into our lexicon the idea of a beta marriage — a limited term marital contract — thanks to an article in Time magazine by Jessica Bennett, “The Beta Marriage: How Millennials Approach ‘I Do,‘ based on a (clearly unscientific) survey conducted by the USA Network in conjunction with Satisfaction, its […]

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We haven’t had any big celebrity or political sex scandals lately so we’ve thankfully been spared the rash of “How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage” articles that inundate the Internet in the days and weeks after. But from time to time they pop up, here and elsewhere, along with “How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage” articles. While […]

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Oprah Winfrey is one of the most famous, richest and powerful women in the world — she recently interviewed Matthew Sandusky, Jerry Sandusky’s adopted son and launched her own tea, Tevana, with Starbucks — and beloved by many. And yet even she isn’t free from having to defend her choices. Oprah is unmarried, although she […]

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Do you owe your spouse sex? If you stop having sex with your spouse, is he or she justified in having an affair? And isn’t the denial of sex just as much as a betrayal as infidelity? These were some questions raised in a few interesting blog posts, some as responses to reader comments, on […]

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He or she has stuck by you during your most trying times, makes chicken soup when you are sick, takes you to lots of fun events, listens and offers advice when you’re confused, gives you a shoulder to cry on when you were sad, understands you like no one else does. Who is that person? […]

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I have been hesitant to jump on the #YesAllWomen bandwagon, the hashtag and social media movement that arose in the wake of the horrific killings in Isla Vista last week. Yes, the 22-year-old killer was full of hatred for women, but he was also mentally ill and privileged and so it’s way too complicated to […]

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Adultery. What shall we do with it? Most just wish it would go away, and others — like myself — wonder what the high percentages of infidelity say about the institution of marriage. So I was intrigued by two interesting articles that appeared in the Philosopher’s Mail. Part one talks about the pleasures of adultery:  […]

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Do Millennial men want to marry? A Time article, “Debunking the Myth of the Slippery Bachelor,” declared men want to marry as much as women do, according to a study of 5,200 people 21- to 65-plus years old. The standout were men ages 25 to 49 — they were less inclined to get hitched than […]

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Are we supposed to be with one person all our life, a recent HuffPost article asked. While not condoning infidelity, author Lisa Haisha wonders if “adultery may be inevitable,” especially since  we live longer than ever before. As she writes:  (I)n the course of a long term relationship, taking into account the practical realities of […]

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