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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

The Ashley Madison hack is still topic No. 1 in the media — from divorce attorneys predicting a “Christmas in July” boon to their business, to potential extortion threats and suicides because of the sensitive information leaked, to continued shaming of those whose names were found on the site’s database — and it doesn’t look […]

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It was an unusually honest and emotional baby announcement, especially coming from Mark Zuckerberg. Recently, Facebook’s founder announced (on Facebook, natch) that he and wife of three years, Priscilla Chan, are expecting a baby girl. That was the happy part. Then came his frank confession of how hard it had been for them: “We’ve been […]

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Perhaps you saw the recent Huffington Post article, “I want to be single — but with you.” It’s likely you did because it was shared more than 27,000 times, liked by 168,000 people and garnered almost 900 comments. The gist of the post by Canadian writer Isabelle Tessier is this — she wants to have […]

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I imagine this week’s news — that AshleyMadison.com, the website that encourages affairs, was hacked — has caused a certain amount of angst among the website’s 37 million-plus subscribers, many of whom are married or in committed relationships. Infidelity relies on secrecy, and with hackers demanding that the website and and its partner site, Established […]

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It’s been a monumental week. If you have one of the masses who welcomed allowing same-sex couples to marry, then the Supreme Court’s ruling on Friday was a blessed decision. Coming right before Pride celebrations across the country, it made the yearly event even that much more proud and colorful.  So it was hard for […]

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While the Supreme Court and Americans debate whether marriage for same-sex couples is OK, two studies on same-sex couples came out recently that caught my eye and should catch yours, too. Many people are worried that marriage between same-sex couples will change marriage and these new studies indicate, yes, it may — for the better […]

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There’s been a lot of discussion about “sexless” marriages, many focusing on how to define “sexless. Honestly, I don’t want to have to turn to a so-called “expert” or another couples’ definition of sexless — I want to determine if my relationship is sexless based on whether my sexual needs, and those of my partner, […]

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You’ve finally met someone special, someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Congratulations. Perhaps you are one of the thousands of couples who will say “I do” this month — the most popular month to tie the knot. Whether you end up making it “until death” or not, the intention to […]

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I have been enjoying reading Mark Manson, a self-described “author, blogger and entrepreneur.” Recently, he blogged on why people cheat on their partners and I felt compelled to send it to a friend who’d recently gone through an unexpected and painful breakup of an eight-year relationship, albeit unrelated to cheating. “The one time I told […]

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I feel bad for poor Jennifer Aniston. She gets engaged — finally!!!! — almost three years ago, August 2011, and now people are wondering, well? When is she finally going to get on with her life and tie the knot with fiance Justin Theroux? What’s holding them back? Which has made some people feel compelled […]

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