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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

We all talk about how “hard” relationships are, and I’ll agree — they can be. But it’s interesting how we often make relationships hard because we don’t see how our own behaviors create dysfunction.    I am observing a relatively new romance. One partner has a lot of long-time friends of the opposite sex, the other […]

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All parents can be embarrassing, but perhaps none more of late than Ike Lochte, mother of Olympian swimmer Ryan Lochte. Poor Ike set off a media firestorm last week when, while trying to explain that her 28-year-old son is too busy to have a girlfriend, said that he “goes out on one-night stands.” Well, that’s […]

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The big infidelity news this week was a story about 22-year-old actress Kristen Stewart cheating on her boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, with married “Snow White and the Huntsman” director Rupert Sanders — if you even consider kissing and hugging cheating, which is all the tabloids caught them doing and all Stewart’s acknowledged. Still, it was enough […]

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If you’re divorced, you know all too well about the numerous studies of how divorce impacts kids; what we rarely hear about is how children impact their parents’ marriage. Not how tired, worried and poorer kids make us (and, yes, they do all of that), but what happens when things don’t go according to plan […]

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In a few weeks I will become an empty-nester. Like most parents, I have a lot of emotions about that. My boys, a freshman and a junior, are on their way to being fully independent; it’s what we parents have been teaching our kids how to do from Day 1. We hope we’ve laid the […]

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No sooner did word get out that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were divorcing after five years of marriage than rumors of a marriage contract between them resurfaced. Judging by the comments people are leaving on websites like Huffington Post, etc., a marriage contract isn’t a “real” marriage (although a marriage license is just a […]

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I had been sitting at a table in the bar area of a local restaurant waiting for a girlfriend when the reality of my new life as a divorcee smacked me in the face and made me pay attention. “Joe,” a man I knew casually through work, was comfortably situated on his barstool and, after […]

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“Why do people cheat?” I was asked by relationship activist Maryanne Comaroto on her radio shortly shortly after my interview with Eric Anderson and his study on why monogamy is failing men went a little ballistic with comments on the Huffington Post. I stumbled over my words with her because I don’t know why people […]

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My son’s high school graduation last week was a sea of faces filled with a mix of joy, exhaustion, sadness and uncertainty — not just the 18-year-olds but their parents as well. As I looked around me, I wondered how many married couples, a good portion about to be empty-nesters, would still be married for […]

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Of the many conversations couples need to have before they get married — or move in together — comes another one: What role will the Internet play in their relationship and how transparent are they going to be about that? At least that’s the opinion of Beatriz Avila Mileham, who interviewed married people who used […]

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