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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

If all goes well, Crystal Harris and Hugh Hefner will be wed tonight, New Year’s Eve. I know what many people — perhaps even you — are thinking. She’s 26, he’s 86, and let’s not pretend that a 60-year-difference in age doesn’t mean something. For some, it means Harris is a gold-digger, for some it […]

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It’s Christmas and my friend’s child wants a pink bike. That’s not a problem — lots of companies make pink bikes. For girls. Her child is a boy. It’s hard being a boy who’s drawn to the color pink. Not that the kids see anything wrong with it – it’s just a color, after all. […]

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Is infidelity abuse?

Despite the fact that there hasn’t been any big infidelity news of late (but … give it time!), HuffPost’s divorce section has been having a bit of a run on stories on affairs, one of which was written by Tracy Schorn, who suggested in Seven Ways to Leave a Cheater that people who plan to […]

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It seems whenever anyone talks about divorce, the C word comes up — commitment. The problem with couples today, the typical comment goes, is that they just don’t know what commitment means. OK, so what does commitment in a marriage mean?  If you think it means something like declaring, “I like this relationship and I’m […]

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When it comes to divorce, everyone is concerned about the kids. Not that everyone who divorces has kids, but we don’t seem to have as much angst about childfree couples as we do about those who have kids, especially young kids. For all our studies about how divorce impacts kids, ranging from doom and gloom […]

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As the details of CIA director David Petraeus’ affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell have slowly unfolded since the retired four-star general announced his resignation last week, it appears to be turning into a bad made-for-TV-drama about a jealous lover with just a touch of “what did she know and when did she know it?” […]

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There’s a lot of hand-wringing about the 50 percent (give or take) divorce rate and the damage that it does to children. Most of us agree that divorce isn’t something that should be entered into lightly — especially if we have young kids — but most of us believe it needs to be an option […]

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I was married for 14 years. The marriage produced two amazing young men. Nine years ago, it ended in divorce, and their dad and I have co-parented well. Please don’t call my marriage a failed marriage. A friend recently called me to task on why I am so resistant to calling a marriage that ends […]

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When GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann, touted mothers as the ones who “really hold the country together,” at the convention last week, she touched a nerve for a lot of us, and not in a good way. Not only did women who are choosing to be childfree wonder where they stand in mattering […]

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I have been thinking about Rupert Sanders’ wife of 10 years, Liberty Ross, which is weird because before the “scandalous” make-out session between Kristen Stewart and Sanders, I’d never heard of Sanders or Ross and (as the mom of boys, not girls) barely knew of Stewart and her — now-former — “Twilight” boyfriend, Robert Pattison. […]

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