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Tag Archive 'Honesty'

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have been in the headlines a lot in recent years, and not because of their movies. They’re either on the verge of divorce or they have an open marriage; I’m not sure which horrifies people more. I can understand why people might be concerned about them divorcing; they have […]

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I have been following the kerfuffle over Susan Patton’s letter in the Daily Princetonian, in which the former Princeton grad and mom to two Princeton-educated sons advises Princeton women to nab a hubby on campus before they graduate: “Princeton women, we have almost priced ourselves out of the market … you will never again be surrounded […]

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The news broke last week — award-winning skier Lindsey Vonn is dating uber-cheater/golfing champ Tiger Woods, which either means it’s a clever and calculated PR move or she has to be the most trusting woman in the world. Isn’t a cheater always a cheater — especially one of the magnitude of Tiger? Not necessarily. I […]

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As some of you know, Susan Pease Gadoua and I are co-writing The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Skeptics, Realists and Rebels (and just snagged a literary agent, so things are really looking promising!) While it’s essential to talk about reinventing marriage to get the marriage you want, here’s an interesting question to ask […]

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“How would your marriage be different if you had been handed an honest, comprehensive guide on what to expect after the wedding?” That’s the question Sheryl Paul asks in her article “Premarital Wisdom: The Truth About Marriage” in the Huffington Post Weddings section this week.  On the surface that sounds like a cool thing. Really, […]

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It happened to Kris Humphries, it happened to Tom Cruise and it happens to people like you and me. Being blindsided by divorce. It seems odd — how can a spouse have absolutely no clue that his or her marriage is in trouble? Wouldn’t there be warning signs — a lack of interest in sex, […]

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I had the pleasure of interviewing Daniel Smith last week in advance of his visit to Marin. Smith is the author of Monkey Mind, a painfully honest an extremely funny account of what it’s like to live with debilitating anxiety and its destructive absurdities. In it, he describes how he lost and then won back […]

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I’ve been reading the blogs and writings of other divorcees for some time now and one thing is clear — not all divorcees are created equal. Some still seem so bitter and angry at their former spouse; they’re still pointing fingers at him even if they’re many years past into their divorce. Am I the […]

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At yesterday’s inaugural speech, President Obama strongly hinted that he may endorse marriage for gays and lesbians as an equal right under the Constitution: “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we […]

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I’m really happy I’m not in my 20s and looking for love in 2013. It’s not that I love being middle-aged (although I’ve accepted it and am aging as gracefully as I can). It’s just that I remember when things were, well, different. I’m old enough to remember when a guy asked you out on […]

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